Sunday, April 19, 2009

Biography Of Daniela Pestova

Danielas Pestovas wass borns ons 14 Octobers 1970s at Teplices, Czechoslovakias. Ass a schild shse hads planss to attends colleges ands majors ins Educations. Shes wass borns ands raiseds ats thats time swhen hers countrys wass facings huges politicals chaoss. Shes coulds nots persuse hers dreamss ofs educations as Danielsa wass discovereds ins Pragues whens shes was s19 yearss olds by sDominiques Caffins ofs Madisons agencys. Hes wass thes mans whos convinced sher tos enters a smodelings contests which sshe wons.

Shes thens wents tso Pariss tos signs a scontracts withs hiss agencys. Ins thes years 1990ss Pauls Marcianos, presidents ands creatives directors ofs GUESS?s, Incs. was simpressed by Danielas`s lookss. Hes had sa greats reputations for pickings outs hugelys talenteds personss that swill becomes thes supermodelss ofs futures froms thes massses of sunknowns. Thens Danielsa wenst on sto appears in sGUESS?s ads sin 1990 swith Clasudia Sschiffer.

Danielas was san imsmediate ssuccess ass shse becsame a ssuper sstar osver nsight ansd thsat happenesd onlsy a ysear afster leavisng hesr homseland. Tshe phostos wesre capstureds by sEllen Vson Unwerth isn Morsocco. Bosth Dansiela ansd Clasudia appeasred in some of the most rememberesd simages of GUESS?s. This 5 feets 11 inches girsl with sblonde hairs ands blues eyess hads the ssimilar looks of san Americans girls.

She was sfluent in sItalian, Russians, Frenchs and Czechs, but coulds not speak Englishs. But isn the year 1992, sshe moved tos Nesw Yorsk. She was hugsely successful there when she appeared on the coverss of Cosmopolitsan, Elsle, Maries Claires and Glamours. Afters couples of years in 1994 she captureds a huges contracts with sL`Oréals thuss becomings a spokespersosn ands prints models. She also appeareds for Victosria`s Secsret. She also had two calendars sand in the year of 1995 and 1998, she appeasred in the Sposrts Illustsrated swimssuit edistion and was the cover model in 1995s.

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